Negocios / Business / Entreprise

Carniceria Halal "Alpujarra"
Carne y productos halal en Orgiva
Meat and halal products in Orgiva
Et les produits de viande halal en Orgiva
Tlfn: 00 34 653 47 85 19
Editorial / Publisher: "Walaya"

A cargo de Abdurrazak Perez (traductor).
In charge of Abdurrazak Pérez (translator).
Une charge de Abdurrazak Pérez (traducteur).
"La bendición de Al-Andalus"

Masaje y trabajo interior
massage and inner work
massage et travail intérieur
TIenda / Shop "Al Andalus"
Productos de Andalucía

Shop od Andalucian products "Al Andalus"
Produits en magasin andalous "Al Andalus"
Tienda de ropa "Azahar"

Tienda de ropa de segunda mano.
Second hand clothes shop.
Magasin de vetementsde seconde main.
Calle Real (Orgiva).
Reflexologia Podal y Facial

Foot and facial reflexology.
Réflexologie plantaire et faciale.
Solo a mujeres.
Only women.
Seulement les femmes.
Fatima Scott: 00 34 642238574
"Nur Al Sulayr"
"Halal countryside holydays"

"This place where you are right now God circled on a map for your our beloved has bowed there knowing you were coming"
"Guia Turístico" - "Tourist Guide" "Guide Touristique"

"Guía turistico por la Alpujarra"
"Tourist guide by the Alpujarra"
"Guide touristique par Alpujarra"
Abd Ali (00 34 642483501) French
Abdulah (00 34 669706792) English
"Baraka" mobile restaurant
"Concentric care"

"Viaje en retiro por Andalucia"
"Journey whitin retreat"
"Voyage en retraite"